Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: lessthanone
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -arem
Date: 01.01.2015 05:04:06 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 03m:16s Game duration: 00h:31m:51s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
lessthanone eurobattle 15 1500 -10 3/4/2 59 1 57 0 Ultimate Orb Ultimate Orb Power Treads (Strength) Scroll of Town Portal Satanic Lothar's Edge 31:05
juve123 eurobattle 11 1504 -9 3/7/2 34 0 3 0 Lothar's Edge Power Treads (Agility) Helm of the Dominator Ironwood Branch Ancient Tango of Essifation Wraith Band 24:08
pipican eurobattle 13 1531 -7 4/9/4 75 0 12 0 Bracer Bracer Sange and Yasha Vladmir's Offering Power Treads (Strength) 31:48
faith123 eurobattle 11 1507 -9 3/10/4 49 1 1 0 Phase Boots Helm of the Dominator Gauntlets of Strength Claymore Broadsword 31:48
tivoli eurobattle 14 1326 -19 5/8/6 27 1 2 1 Mask of Madness Black King Bar (9) Urn of Shadows Power Treads (Strength) 31:49

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
arccher eurobattle 20 1499 +11 13/3/14 64 4 48 1 Battle Fury Manta Style Vladmir's Offering Quelling Blade Power Treads (Agility) 31:48
lays_ eurobattle 14 1497 +11 6/6/9 51 0 6 0 Kelen's Dagger Arcane Boots Aghanim's Scepter (Lina) Messerschmidt's Reaver Healing Salve Divine Rapier 31:51
jeanvaljan eurobattle 15 1475 +12 4/5/7 74 0 2 2 Vladmir's Offering Battle Fury Power Treads (Strength) Ring of Aquila Stygian Desolator 31:48
ohmummydrygores eurobattle 19 1476 +12 3/2/15 86 1 26 0 Lothar's Edge Power Treads (Strength) Sange and Yasha Armlet of Mordiggian Stygian Desolator Hyperstone 31:51
njapenda eurobattle 17 1476 +12 11/3/12 62 1 3 1 Aghanim's Scepter (Dirge) Blade Mail Vanguard (melee) Vladmir's Offering Arcane Boots Mystic Staff 31:46