Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: pro_nox
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -sd
Date: 01.01.2015 04:51:09 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 06m:11s Game duration: 00h:35m:10s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
log4n eurobattle 11 1589 -10 2/17/5 23 0 0 0 Ancient Tango of Essifation Staff of Wizardry Boots of Speed Ogre Axe Blade of Alacrity 35:10
pro_nox eurobattle 11 1580 -11 4/14/9 35 3 0 0 Mekansm Gem of True Sight Arcane Boots Null Talisman Ring of Regeneration 34:57
godlikee_ eurobattle 13 1645 -6 2/12/2 79 1 1 2 Soul Ring Quelling Blade Tranquil Boots Ring of Aquila Yasha 35:05
w00t_ eurobattle 13 1543 -13 4/9/5 44 2 3 0 Mask of Madness Ironwood Branch Yasha Power Treads (Agility) Broadsword 34:54
assasian eurobattle 16 1594 -10 4/4/7 49 0 0 0 Boots of Speed Aghanim's Scepter (Zeus) Oblivion Staff Ring of Health 35:00

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
pacman. eurobattle 19 1515 +15 5/2/6 78 2 49 1 Vladmir's Offering Eye of Skadi Ring of Regeneration Boots of Travel Point Booster Ogre Axe 34:53
raptile eurobattle 19 1574 +12 12/4/12 114 5 10 0 Kelen's Dagger Dagon Level 1 Power Treads (Strength) Eul's Scepter of Divinity Ultimate Orb Ring of Health 35:03
sad^but^true eurobattle 17 1615 +9 9/6/13 85 0 3 1 Vanguard (melee) Tranquil Boots Hood of Defiance Blade Mail Kelen's Dagger 35:10
teoman eurobattle 18 1695 +3 13/2/26 54 1 12 0 Aghanim's Scepter Bloodstone Sobi Mask Boots of Speed Perseverance 34:56
andreva eurobattle 18 1539 +14 17/3/12 70 3 13 0 Phase Boots Armlet of Mordiggian Hood of Defiance Disabled Heart of Tarrasque Dust of Appearance 34:54