Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: lcefeed
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -apem
Date: 01.01.2015 03:34:15 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 05m:13s Game duration: 00h:35m:11s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
lcefeed eurobattle 19 1487 +11 8/7/15 39 1 0 1 Boots of Travel Aghanim's Scepter (Invoker) Linken's Sphere 34:36
icefeed eurobattle 19 1478 +12 14/11/17 75 1 4 1 Mjollnir Cranium Basher Boots of Travel Blade Mail 34:38
upsidupsi eurobattle 22 1629 +4 12/5/18 142 0 20 1 Lothar's Edge Linken's Sphere Aghanim's Scepter (Furion) Eye of Skadi (Ranged) Demon Edge 34:35
rahip eurobattle 18 1701 +1 5/9/19 33 0 4 0 Ghost Scepter Eul's Scepter of Divinity Linken's Sphere Kelen's Dagger Tranquil Boots 34:39
drproninja eurobattle 18 1512 +10 12/10/11 22 3 0 0 Arcane Boots Disabled Kelen's Dagger Aghanim's Scepter (Pudge) Urn of Shadows Ghost Scepter 35:11

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
tripleday eurobattle 19 1646 -2 6/8/6 154 5 0 2 Soul Ring Arcane Boots Aghanim's Scepter (Techies) Bloodstone Staff of Wizardry Ring of Regeneration 34:39
cakrlija eurobattle 18 1542 -7 15/10/11 11 0 0 0 Urn of Shadows Power Treads (Strength) Sange and Yasha Stygian Desolator 34:37
rybka eurobattle 15 1516 -8 7/11/14 84 0 0 0 Null Talisman Healing Salve Aghanim's Scepter (Rhasta) Clarity Potion Observer Wards Boots of Travel 34:37
dag_red eurobattle 15 1665 -1 5/12/12 50 7 0 0 Quelling Blade Cranium Basher Dust of Appearance Power Treads (Strength) Scroll of Town Portal Ultimate Orb 34:39
mozzik eurobattle 13 1402 -15 6/16/6 39 0 9 0 Power Treads (Agility) Lothar's Edge Wraith Band Belt of Giant Strength Ogre Axe 34:35