Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: coldwar
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -ap
Date: 01.01.2015 03:24:28 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 04m:40s Game duration: 00h:55m:14s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
coldwar eurobattle 19 1586 +13 9/8/15 45 5 10 1 Ancient Janggo of Endurance (empty) Sange and Yasha Power Treads (Strength) Perseverance Eaglehorn Ring of Aquila 54:18
jokix eurobattle 21 1678 +5 3/12/18 95 0 8 1 Kelen's Dagger Observer Wards Power Treads (Strength) Aghanim's Scepter (Beastmaster) Necronomicon Level 1 54:50
candela eurobattle 22 1534 +17 7/10/19 73 0 39 1 Blade Mail Sange and Yasha Heroes) Power Treads (Strength) Belt of Giant Strength Helm of the Dominator 54:19
broken^wings eurobattle 25 1674 +5 20/8/18 192 16 76 3 Ethereal Blade Stygian Desolator Kelen's Dagger Manta Style (ranged) Power Treads (Strength) 54:28
bak1 eurobattle 19 1528 +17 8/9/10 72 3 20 0 Sange and Yasha Dust of Appearance Battle Fury Bracer Bracer Boots of Travel 54:21

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
megalodon.no1 eurobattle 25 1734 -1 13/10/9 173 7 7 1 Power Treads (Strength) Ring of Aquila Crystalys Yasha Mask of Madness Lothar's Edge 54:19
2stepsfromhell. eurobattle 24 1746 -0 15/11/16 145 14 40 0 Phase Boots Assault Cuirass Battle Fury Lothar's Edge Crystalys Dust of Appearance 54:17
[stfunab] eurobattle 18 1514 -17 5/6/10 102 7 0 1 Lothar's Edge Power Treads (Intelligence) Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Staff of Wizardry 54:17
ohmummydrygores eurobattle 20 1509 -17 6/12/15 90 2 9 0 Boots of Travel Sange Blade Mail Maelstrom Hyperstone 55:14
col.f0cus eurobattle 17 1515 -17 4/12/16 66 2 11 0 Eul's Scepter of Divinity Blade Mail Arcane Boots Point Booster Ogre Axe Blade of Alacrity 54:19